Nursery Checklist
(to prep before your new baby comes)
-Crib – always lay babies asleep flat on their back
-Baby Monitor
-Firm mattress – It should fit snugly in the crib, so less than 2 fingers should fit between the mattress and the crib.
-Washable crib mattress pads (1-3) (Natural Snuggles bamboo waterproof crib pad)
– Fitted crib sheets (2-4) – Love the zip off tops, so you don’t have to take out the full mattress.
-Light receiving blankets (2)
-Swaddle blankets (Natural Snuggles offers a 3 pack with 2 47 inch square blankets and 1 self-adhering swaddle wrap)
– Warmer blankets (1-2) (Natural Snuggles 100% bamboo ultra soft baby blankets – light blue, light green, and purple)
-Rocking chair – especially one with comfortable arm-rests for assisting with nursing positions for you and your new baby
– Diaper changing table and pad – (Natural Snuggles bamboo waterproof 3 pack) – We suggest to consolidate the changing table and dresser in order to save on space and money.
– Diaper storage station or tightly sealed garbage
– Music playing station for calming your new baby
– Night lights or lamp for low light, so you can see while changing a diaper in the middle of the night
Hospital Checklist
– Going home outfit for yourself. You’ll want loose comfortable clothes; it’s best to bring some of your maternity pants. It will take a couple of months for your tummy to go down. Also, in case of a c-section, you’ll want something that is loose fitting around your waist.
– Birthing Plan (if you chose to do one)
– Nursing bras (two or three)
– Breast pads for your bras
– Maternity pads or thick night maxi pads (3 or 4)
– Nightshirt – try one that opens in the front or can be used easily for nursing your new baby
– Toiletries
-Arnica cream – People have commented that this helps with bruising and the healing process.
-Eye mask and earplugs to help you sleep in the hospital